Mission Statement
The President’s Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion is a working committee of individuals across the campus whose expressed goal is to make SUNY Broome Community College an increasingly inclusive and welcoming environment for all students, staff and faculty per its mission, vision, and strategic initiatives. SUNY Broome recognizes the necessity to provide its community with valuable opportunities to develop effective competencies for meaningful interaction in an increasingly diverse world so as to contribute to the common good. In order to make the goals of the task force a reality, the campus will need to be intentional in its efforts to create a climate and culture that recognizes, honors, and respects its diversity and commits to the institutionalization of policies, procedures, and activities that promote equity and diversity. The task force will examine and make recommendations in key institutional areas including, but not limited to, hiring processes, campus policies and protocols, training and professional development, campus events, and overall campus climate.