- 2019 10th Annual Ethics Conference – The Ethics of Politics Keynote: Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (pdf)
- 2018 9th Annual Ethics Conference: Ethics of Education. Keynote: Ty Muse, President and CEO, Visions Federal Credit Union (pdf)
- 2017 8th Annual Ethics Conference: Ethics of Communication. Keynote: Tamara Fitzwater, PhD. (pdf)
- 2016 7th Annual Ethics Conference: Ethics of Addiction. Keynote: Dr. Kimberly Walitzer( pdf)
- 2014 6th Annual Ethics Conference: Technology and Ethics. Keynote: Dr. David Sloan Wilson
- 2013 Fifth Annual Ethics Conference: Bioethics. Keynote: Sean Philpott PhD.(.doc)
- 2012 Fourth Annual Ethics Conference: Ethics and Democracy. Keynote: Alberto Olivas M.Ed.(.doc)
- 2011 Third Annual Ethics Conference: Religion and Ethics. Keynote: Charles Goodman PhD. (docx)
- 2010 Second Annual Ethics Conference: Environmental Ethics. Keynote: Tony Weiss PhD. (docx)
- 2009 First Annual Ethics Conference: Human Rights. Keynote: Stephen Davis Ross