24 Hours of Giving
Join us for a day of giving on Dec. 3, 2024!
Make a gift any time by giving online or by calling
the SUNY Broome Foundation at 607-778-5182.
24 Hours of Giving has ended.
We did it!
Our 10th 24 Hours of Giving was incredible!
589 donors contributed gifts totaling $210,907 for 24 Hours of Giving 2024!
We are amazed by the participation! Seeing so many people step up to support our students and campus has been truly inspiring.
Our students are grateful for your generosity. On their behalf, we just want to say… Thank you!
Our Progress
Our Donors
Your donations at work
Here are a few recent stories of how generosity impacted our College.
Continuing A Legacy Of Care
SUNY Broome Celebrates Revamped Hornet Hope Center
A standing-room-only crowd flocked to the Old Science Building’s second floor on Thursday, March 22, 2024, to celebrate the official unveiling of The Hornet Hope Center, SUNY Broome’s on-campus food pantry and clothing closet.
The Center is comprised of two stigma-free spaces full of fresh and non-perishable food, personal care products, household items, and clothing for babies, children, and adults. From the beginning of the spring semester until June, CHOW and various donors stocked the shelves…
Keep reading in BROOME Magazine.
Record Number of Peer Scholarship Winners

We are able to provide scholarships to students each year because of the hard work of the Student Philanthropy Council (SPC) members and Presidential Honors Scholarship (PHS) volunteers during the academic year. This year, they raised $1,573.38. Because the fund has been growing each year we were able to award a record five Student Giving Peer to Peer Scholarships!
The five 2024-2025 scholarship recipients were Channarong Campbell, Stephanie Dornblaser, Colby Graef, Matthew Larson, and Caitlin O’Reilly. Each scholarship provided $500 toward tuition, books, or other expenses for these Hornets…
Keep reading in the Foundation Annual Report.
Student Emergency Fund
2024 Update
Prioritized by SUNY Broome during the COVID-19 pandemic, over the years, the Student Emergency Fund (SEF) has helped many students in need with unexpected expenses that may impede their academic progress.
Early Childhood major Khadia Bradshaw says juggling full-time motherhood, full-time work, and school can be overwhelming. She shared, “There are times when I need to take time off to care for my son, and having this funding will help me manage my expenses, such as my high electricity bill. I am grateful for the support that SUNY Broome’s Foundation provides to students like me…”
Keep reading in the Foundation Annual Report.
Ways You Can Help
Donations empower students to complete their goals and provide financial support and educational opportunities. With increasing college costs, living expenses, and economic hardship, many cannot afford college without financial assistance.
Scholarships & Grants-In-Aid
Over 300 need-based or merit-based scholarships are awarded annually to deserving students. Because of private support, hundreds of students are recognized for their hard work and can achieve their goals with less debt.
SUNY Broome also awards many students in need with grants-in-aid, without requiring them to apply for the assistance (which is necessary to be considered for a scholarship).
Student Emergency Fund
The Student Emergency Fund helps SUNY Broome students in troubling times to stay in college and move into a brighter tomorrow. The fund grants up to $500 or documented emergency expenses such as unexpected medical bills, car repairs, and more to students in need.
Faculty Development
Faculty development donations support expanded and updated professional knowledge for our faculty and staff and create resources for unique faculty and student projects.
Campus Enhancements

Our mission also includes providing the college with the funding to enhance our campus and acquire modern, up-to-date equipment, which keeps SUNY Broome at the forefront of innovation and technology.
24 Hours of Giving Videos
Scholarship Stories
Ahmet’s Story
Kayleigh’s Story
Almost a Decade of Generosity
Giving Tuesday is when the Foundation sees the most radical and astonishing generosity. During 24 Hours of Giving, SUNY Broome’s supporters show their belief and commitment to the College through volunteering and financial support.
Take a look at how far we have come over the years.
SUNY Broome Foundation Insights
SUNY Broome’s Office of Institutional Effectiveness has compiled a snapshot of the Foundation’s annual funding for campus and highlights their impact on student support, capital projects, scholarships, and special programs. See the data on how donations impact our College!
Ways to help 24 Hours of Giving!
We hope you’ll join us on Dec. 3rd, the College’s craziest and most important fundraising day.
If you are local to SUNY Broome, there are unique ways to help and some fun events happening in and around campus. Keep Reading.
Scholarships Impact Student Lives!
In light of the milestone 10th anniversary of 24 Hours of Giving, we are pleased to share stories of the difference a scholarship made.
Paul loves going to the gym, playing basketball, cooking, and enjoying nature. He chose SUNY Broome after he graduated from Seton Catholic Central High School. Keep Reading.
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Take pride in supporting your college!
Share that you have made a donation on your social media! Find some cool graphics for your post below.
24 Hours of Giving – I Donated!
Some suggested text:
I believe in SUNY Broome’s mission so I made a donation during 24 Hours of Giving. It’s important for me that the next generation receives an excellent and affordable education.
Consider joining me and making a gift! sunybroome.edu/broome24.
#broome24 #givingtuesday #hornetsgive
Instagram and X
24 Hours of Giving – I Donated!
Some suggested text:
Consider joining me and making a gift! sunybroome.edu/broome24.
#broome24 #givingtuesday #hornetsgive
24 Hours of Giving – I Donated!
Some suggested text:
I made a gift during 24 Hours of Giving! As someone who cares about higher education and students succeeding in college, it was important to me to support SUNY Broome. My gift makes a real difference.
I invite you to open your wallet and make your difference too!
Get Stinger Ready for Giving Day
Enjoy this fun paper doll of Stinger and his 24 Hours of Giving attire!
10 Years of Giving
2015 | Previous Foundation Director of Development, Andrea Roma, sleeps under her desk after an exhausting initial 24 Hours of Giving.
2020 | Senior Director of Development & Alumni Relations Lisa Schappert tries to get her dog, Reggie, into the 24 Hours of Giving spirit.
Braedan Goerlich
Hiba Khan
Kelsey Armbrust
Joe Schuerch
Riara Ross
Rianaa Mason
William Stinger
Jacob Zajdel
Adam Gottschall
Ahmet Algi
Amanda Dutch
Jordan Gillette
Parker Davidson
Demetri Thomas
Gianna Ferraro
Hayat Johnson
Trinity Bogert
Nephtalie Tessier
Giovannie Boursiquot
Karlennis Crespo
Lorynna Thomas
Salome Marte
Muhammad Adnan
Nate E.
Sarah Armstrong
Barbara Munger
Maureen K. Breck
Jane (Janie) A. Spears
Karen J. Goodman
Joseph J. Seif
Erin A. Marulli, M.S., M.P.A.
Valerie M. Carnegie
Matthew (Matt) P. Ebbers
Evan Bigam
Aaliyah T. Fullenweider
Agatina J. Vallone ’63
Alan C. Dixon
Alex Racketa Esq.
Alexandra E. Pourby ’18
Allen H. Motsko ’71
Amber M. Sersen ’12
Amy D. and Lee R. Englehart
Andrew D. and Melissa E. Glenn
Andrew S. Gates ’67
Angela L. Stephens
Ann M. ’87 and Paul C. VanSavage
Ann M. Schwenker ’74
Ann R. Calice ’65
Anna C. Joy ’69
Anne L. Hoffman ’64
Anne M. Distin ’76
Anne S. Haner-Uncapher ’84
Anthony D. Partenza Jr. ’75
Anthony G. LoTempio
Anthony S. ’67 and Carol Fiorelli
Arlene Gladwin Winslow ’67
Arthur C. ’73 and Mary Ann Smith
Austin R. and Jamie L. Manchester
Barbara A. Hughes
Barbara J. Fiala ’80
Barbara J. Jones ’69
Barbara K. Valentino ’70
Ben M. and Susan C. ’90 Kasper
Benjamin J. Stewart ’19
Beth A. Bailey ’90
Brittany N. Richardson
Broome County Association of Highway Officials
Bruce K. Oldfield ’71
Bruce O. Billings ’77
Burnard F. ’66 and Susan K. ’84 Walling
Carine Surdey
Carl L. Eugeni ’63
Carle V. ’89 and Carolyn A. Truman
Carlton L. ’67 and Deborah M. Terry
Carol Finch
Carol T. Hall ’72
Carole M. Riehlman ’59
Caroline M. Roseburgh ’88
Catherine R. Williams and Dr. Aleksey Tikhomirov
Cathy J. ’86 and Haden A. Land
Cedric C. Putnam ’64
Cheryl A. ’75 and Patrick J. McCauley
Cheryl A. Shea McDermott ’79
Chris C. Julian ’62
Christina A. Fedorick
Christine L. Cawley ’96
Christopher M. Stavana ’08
Christopher S. Foster ’79
Clare L. Finkler ’69
Clayton M. Ellis ’76
Colleen M. Cashman ’85
Colleen M. Culverwell ’90
Colleen McGuigan ’76
Colleen P. ’91 and William P. Stone
Conrad J. ’66 and Lorna E. ’91 Steigerwald
Craig B. Chellis ’65
Cynthia A. Swatko ’70
Cynthia Roma ’88
Daniel J. Abashian ’08
Daniel L. and Cheryl A. Myers
Daniel L. Winters ’82
Danielle M. Berchtold ’97
Darryl J. Bailey ’90
David and Dr. Kelli H. Ligeikis
David C. Wade ’72
David E. Hoefer ’50
David E. Stone ’95
David F. ’67 and Regina F. Spencer
David G. ’74 and Diane D. Hunt
David J. ’75 and Carla M. Michalak
David J. Baycura ’71
David Jarvis
David L. Gosselin ’92
David Sedelmeyer ’78
David W. Rankert ’71
Dawn F. Young
Dawn Graney
Debra G. Thompson ’74
Dennis J. Eagan ’72
Dennis M. ’71 and Cheryl N. ’72 Feheley
Dennis P. Sullivan ’69
Desiree Moore ’24
Diane ’93 and James B. O’Hora
Diane M. Julian ’71
Diane P. Finochio ’62
Diane S. Hill ’77
Dianne K. Gay ’72
Dollene V. Fox ’74
Donald J. Savage ’53
Doreen A. ’78 and Alan C. Schwartz
Dr. Bai Lee and Dr. Jung H. Yum
Dr. Carol A. Ross-Scott
Dr. Claire E. Ligeikis-Clayton ’76
Dr. Daniel Brennan and Alison Sheridan-Brennan
Dr. Daniel E. ’76 and Pamela M. ’75 Corcoran
Dr. David F. ’71 and Kathleen A. ’70 Brauer
Dr. Jason A. Andrews
Dr. Joseph R. Biegen
Dr. Judy U. Siggins
Dr. Kevin E. and Bonnie Drumm
Dr. Linda H. Biemer
Dr. Lorenz J. Firsching ’75
Dr. Marie A. Davenport ’64
Dr. Michael Kinney
Dr. Peggy Wozniak and Paul Harger
Dr. Penny A. Kelly ’83
Dr. Phyllis M. O’Donnell
Dr. Richard M. and Ellen D. ’75 Romano
Dr. Robert B. and Elizabeth C. Congdon
Dr. Timothy Howland and Dr. Christine Fenlon
Dr. Tony D. Hawkins
Dr. Victor S. and Sheri A. Lamoureux
Duane R. Whittaker and Nilsa E. ’95 Mariano
E. Patrick Smith ’59
Edward R. White
Edward T. Stensjo ’77
Edward V. DePersis ’81
Eggleston Foundation
Elaine M. Sapp ’63
Eleanor L. Stethers ’57
Eli C. Foote ’15
Elisabeth Costanzo Stewart
Elizabeth Bobik ’70
Eric D. ’68 and Connie Tidwell Beach
Eric W. ’87 and Laura E. ’89 Webster
Erin E. Merritt ’13
Erin Frye
Eugene P. ’49 and Beverely Koloski
F. Michele Aton ’90
Faith D. Longobucco
Frances A. ’85 and C. Frank Berry
Francis G. Myers ’63
Francis J. Gacioch ’73
Fred D. ’66 and Elaine S. ’69 Iannon
Fred Hall ’68
Fred M. Eines ’83
Frederick R. Xlander ’76
Friends of the Hornet Hope Center
G. Robert ’70 and Kathleen Vormwald
Gary E. ’66 and Roberta C. ’67 Zurn
Gary L. Kattell ’83
Gene ’62 and Patti A. Stratton
Gerald A. Newman ’58
Gerald M. Klaczany ’79
Gerald S. Campos ’71
Gerald V. ’79 and Theresa M. Rasmussen
Ginger L. Nordberg ’76
Gordon R. Lamb ’76
Grayson E. Burlingame Sr. ’63
H. Chris Sabath-Ivanonko ’76
Harlan M. ’01 and Laurie A. ’97 Forrest
Harry C. Surowka ’70
Harry L. Smith ’91
Heidi K. Melzer ’12
Henry R. Hopkins ’62
Herbert and Deborah Lake ’94
Howard A. and Susan B. Herzog
Ilene M. Greenwald ’72
J. Lukas ’69
James A. Gazda ’82
James G. ’74 and Sharon M. ’74 Exley
James H. ’56 and Maryon K. Bramley
James J. ’71 and Marilyn H. ’71 Nickerson
James J. ’82 and Cheryl A. Fabrizi
James J. Babcock ’64
James P. ’72 and Dorothy J. Paoletti
James P. Testani
James R. ’85 and Laura J. ’86 McDuffee
James R. Gould ’68
James R. Meyers ’62
James W. ’61 and Karen J. MacBeth
Janice L. Pitera
Jason J. Smith
Jean C. and John K. Krichbaum
Jean L. Perrin Wickham ’67 and Denis E. Wickham
Jeanette Tillotson
Jeffrey A. and Denise M. ’74 Jurik
Jeffrey F. ’68 Moore and A. Carol ’94 Towers
Jeffrey M. and Carolyn ’85 Hatala
Jerold A. Sinnamon ’67
Jerome J. ’77 and Donna M. Ozovek ’80
Jesse Wells
Jia W. Wu ’09
Joanne B. Tarbox ’71
JoAnne E. ’75 and Richard Martinez
Johanna H. ’89 and Thomas P. Smith
John E. ’83 and Shelby E. Butler
John F. ’71 and Kathleen M. ’77 Mollo
John J. Earley ’65
John J. Sturek ’65
John L. Butler ’75
John M. ’63 and Kwi Ok K. ’87 Andrejack
John M. Forsythe ’68
John W. Tarbox ’09
Joseph A. Battaglini ’61
Joseph A. Walsh ’69
Joseph M. ’67 and Francine A. Massara
Joseph P. ’82 and Karel J. Reed
Joseph P. Lomonaco Sr. ’62
Joseph T. ’80 and Ann M. Conaty
Judith A. Bukwa ’65
Judy Bates Wysnewski ’58
Judy G. Haskell ’76
Julie M. Hoadley ’01
Justin K. Lynady ’12
Karen S. Kelly ’75
Katherine M. and Warren D. Bacon
Kathleen McKenna
Kay F. Hahn-Casler ’67
Kay Zaharis ’87
Keith D. Walter ’54
Kelly S. Jewett ’81
Ken ’83 and Heather Kidder
Kennard W. Brown Jr. ’52
Kenneth E. ’69 and Margaret A. Gill
Kenneth H. and Judith Miller
Kerry L. Gallagher
Kevin D. ’19 and Tracey E. ’18 Wheeler
Kevin M. Morrissey ’88
Kevin P. Brady ’89
Kristine S. Caughell ’73
Kyle A. ’06 and Sarah Everett
Larry P. ’55 and Gail M. Cramer
Larry T. Truillo ’73
Laura J. Hodel ’15
Lawrence B. Clow ’59
Lawrence C. and Karen Anderson
Lawrence P. Allen ’01
Lena K. Ulc
Leo and Libby O’Connor
Lewis C. ’71 and Mary E. ’70 Mauro
Linda J. Battaglini ’69
Linda Jane Decker Roche ’63
Linda L. Jowett ’79
Linda Swope Immoor ’63
Lisa Stratford ’74
Lori M. Smudde ’06
Lorie M. Brewer ’98
Lorna J. Wells ’83
Lorraine J. Hardy ’76
Lowell W. ’71 and Ruth I. Stever
Lynne A. Attanasso ’81
Marc C. Newman ’82
Marcia E. ’65 and Ronald Huntley
Marcia J. Steinbrecher ’84
Margaret A. Turna
Maria E. Cuffaro ’85
Marilyn C. Isham ’77
Marilyn J. Moyer
Mark A. Gialanella ’73
Mark R. ’84 and Patricia A. Beaudoin
Mark R. Albrecht ’76
Mark R. Whalen ’77
Mark S. and Margaret S. ’77 Peters
Marlene A. McNulty ’71
Marlene A. Yacos ’69
Martin ’02 and Karan J. ’95 Drum
Martin J. Guzzi ’83
Mary A. Chittenden ’81
Mary A. Gilbert ’13
Mary A. McCarthy ’73
Mary C. Webb ’55
Mary C. Woestman
Mary E. Segedi ’87
Mary L. and Michael J. Wolyniak
Mary L. Wahl ’10
Mary Lou Monteiro ’82
Mary Lou Price ’65
Mary Surdey
Maureen J. Bendert ’81
Meigo H. and Michael W. Fitzpatrick
Michael A. and Dot Marinaccio
Michael D. and Angela Sherwood
Michael H. Clapper ’74
Michael J. Stamets
Michael J. Sullivan
Michael M. Nirchi ’92
Michael R. Wood ’72
Michel S. Saba ’84
Michele J. ’77 and Terry L. Shirhall
Michele McKay
Michelle D. DiPiazza
Michelle Michalek ’77
Morton and Ronnie Goldberg
Mr. Nicholas J. ’95 and Mrs. Theresa Taro Jr.
Nancy A. Long
Nancy E. Miller ’72
Nancy G. Quattrociocchi ’96
Nancy L. Hyatt ’01
Nancy M. Kratky Stefanski ’67
Nancy S. ’78 and Kenneth L. Thrash
Neil M. ’81 Green and Eunsil Kim
Neil R. ’64 and Donna Wiernicki
Nicholas ’67 and Patricia L. ’71 Timko Jr.
Nick H. ’81 and Antonette A. ’73 Diles
Norma H. Warne ’64
Owen D. Conklin
Ozmun and Patricia G. Winters
Paige and Paul J. ’89 Sedlacek
Pamela S. Anderson ’62
Patricia Distin Griffiths ’71
Patricia H. Cluck ’92
Patricia J. Clark ’84
Patricia L. Phillips ’82
Patricia S. Wilson ’93
Patrick A. ’68 and Terese M. Carbone
Patrick F. ’83 and Jean A. ’68 Donlon
Patrick J. ’89 and Mary Scanlan
Paul and Nicole Huff
Peggy J. Holmes
Penny DelFavero
Peter D. Hudak ’78
Peyton R. Hawkes ’86
Philip A. ’97 and Jacqui L. ’98 March
Philip H. Martin Jr. ’76
Philip M. Smetana ’77
Philip P. Struzzeri ’76
Phillip M. ’66 and Carol A. ’67 Murphy
Ping Yue ’13
Rachael M. Hagerman ’99
Ralph E. ’61 and Nancy D. Davenport
Randal E. ’78 and Patricia Novak
Raymond Hugh Doyle ’56
Rebecca J. Komorowski ’76
Rhoda R. Neal ’99
Richard A. ’78 and Nancy E. ’78 Mastro
Richard A. Dellureficio ’84
Richard C. Griffis
Richard E. ’74 and Kimberly L. Wheeler
Richard H. Arvonio ’78
Richard J. ’70 and Kathleen M. ’71 Reed
Richard J. and Kathleen M. Allman
Richard J. Kazmark ’85
Richard J. Lane ’73
Richard W. ’57 and Frances B. Truex
Richard W. ’73 and Robin A. ’72 Barron
Robert E. ’68 and Barbara J. ’68 Martin
Robert E. Cook ’62
Robert J. ’77 and LoriAnne ’00 Welch
Robert J. Connelly ’62
Robert L. ’69 and Bonny M. ’69 Sunheimer
Robert Lofthouse
Robert M. Gleason III, PE, PMP ’11
Robert P. Fridh ’78
Robert S. Gregory ’73
Robert Y. ’93 Wu, Grace Hu, Jia Wei ’09 Wu
Robin G. Chodkowski ’96
Robin M. Eccleston ’89
Roger H. ’03 and Judy G. ’70 Dilmore
Ron G. and Betty B. Goodwin
Ron J. ’73 and Nancy Feduke
Ronald C. ’70 and Cheryl Finch
Ronald E. ’83 and Cynthia J. ’76 Wenzinger
Ronald M. ’83 and Jacqueline R. Coleman
Rosamond I. McAvoy Sperling ’05
Rosanne M. Potter ’78
Rosemary K. Reich ’67
Russell A. Burdick ’84 and Julie-Anne Mason Burdick
Russell J. ’63 and Roberta E. Krager
Russell L. Reid ’74
Russell T. Sanaeko ’71
Samuel J. Payzant ’18
Sara Rose
Scott D. Coleman ’86
Scott M. Craver ’93
Shane E. and Christina R. Schmerder
Sharon A. Burke ’76
Shawne H. ’95 and Eugene Hartnett
Shelli L. Reals
Sherry Chandler
Shirley M. Spalik ’74
Sissy S. Slick ’72
Stephanie M. Malmberg ’09
Stephen D. ’72 and Linda Matey
Stephen E. and Stella M. Ohl
Stephen M. ’73 and Linda C. ’72 Gardner
Stephen M. Darrow ’92
Stephen M. Musci ’75
Steven C. Natale ’88
Steven F. Gyidik ’69
Steven H. Myers ’75
Stuart A Reynolds ’61
Susan L. Wellington
Susan M. Brosious-Jennings ’84
Theresa D. Bennett ’92
Thomas E. ’73 and Rebecca S. ’91 King
Thomas E. Sullivan ’74
Thomas W. ’94 and Margaret L. ’96 Blachek
Timothy ’85 and Diane Antisdel
Timothy R. ’65 and Janet A. Mee
Tina Fernandez
Tom H. ’68 and Leah L. Neely
Trinity Memorial Church
Valerie A. Vavra ’78
Valerie Pitcher
Vanessa LoPiccolo ’18
Verne A. ’74 and Kathryn M. Benson
Vincent J. ’64 and Kathleen M. Innarella
Vincent Rodger Jr.
Wallace H. ’69 and Dorothy K. ’66 Benjamin Jr.
Walter J. ’72 and Jean T. ’71 Savichky
William E. ’67 and Eileen F. Seymer
William E. ’76 and Frances M. ’76 Virun
William S. Davenport
Yvette Akel