The Instructional Designers in the Teaching Resource Center are available to answer questions regarding course design, development and delivery as well as help with minor technical issues that may arise with your course. In addition to the Instructional Designer support available to you, SUNY Broome is a member campus of the SUNY Online HelpDesk. This HelpDesk should be your first point of contact when experiencing technical issues with an online, blended or web-supplemented course that uses the Brightspace Learning Management System as they can most often give you a quicker response to your question/issue. The SUNY Online HelpDesk is a fabulous resource that faculty can utilize when having a technical issue. It is staffed with experts in the workings of online courses and can assist with:
- Solving technical issues that might arise
- Performing online tasks such as creating content, assignments, quizzes or tests, or discussions
- Answering questions pertaining to course delivery, e.g. navigating discussions, grading assignments, adjusting release settings, etc.
- Ensuring that your computer system is set up optimally for the online environment and troubleshoot browser issues that you may encounter
You can contact the SUNY Online HelpDesk during their extensive available hours, including evenings and weekend days. Hours are posted on their website.
Main Website for the SUNY Online HelpDesk
Phone Number: 844-673-6786