- Accessing the Course Builder from the “Faculty Tools” menu on the course NavBar.
Using the Course Builder to create a structure of the course using modules
- Brightspace is designed to support modularized content. You may choose to title modules “Module 1,” “Module 2,” and so on. You may prefer to title them by Week, Chapter, or Topic. Do not place all content and activities at the root of the Table of Contents as this leads to extreme scrolling in the course.
Flatten the Hierarchy
- Submodules (also known as subfolders) can be confusing in Brightspace navigation, so avoid large numbers of nested submodules (folders).
- Students should not have to click more than three times to access content or activities in your course.
- Moving content can be done through the standard click-and-drag method or by using the “Move Up; Move Down; Move To” from the drop-down menu
Additional Tips for Organization
- Review content in Course Builder for organization. Remember, fewer submodules make it easier for students to navigate in the course.
- Brightspace courses will have a description for each module (folder). Sometimes migrated folder descriptions may need to be reviewed and edited. This may be easily done by editing the description in Content.