All dates can be managed in Brightspace using the Manage Dates feature.
- Go to Course Admin
- Select Manage Dates (Note: The screenshot below is displaying Course Administration Tools sorted by Name. Your listing may be sorted by Category and may look slightly different)
- You can change all dates or dates for a specific tool. This example shows changing quiz dates.
- To change each date individually, click on the hyphen (-) to add a date or click on an existing date to change it.
- Select the date and save. You can work your way through each item.
- You can also change all the dates at once using the Bulk Offset Dates. Select all the items for which you want to change the dates.
- Select the dates to offset and how you want to do it.
- Determine the number of days and direction you want to offset (the example shows 364), you can also offset the hours.
- Calculating the range between two dates will offset the dates by the number of dates in the range. This can be used for semester to semester changes, the example shows the spring 2023 dates.