SUNY Broome Salutes Women During Women’s History Month
Women’s History Month, observed annually each March since 1987, is a time to recognize the often-overlooked accomplishments of women in education, art, athletics, science, culture, government and society. The theme for Women’s History Month 2024 is “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.” We strive to lift up all women, and to especially honor those that have actively advocated to empower marginalized populations and foster inclusive and equitable spaces.
Some of the ways our campus community can acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of women are:
- Celebrate women’s achievements
- Educate and awareness raise for women’s equality
- Call for positive change advancing women
- Lobby for accelerated gender parity
- Fundraising for female-focused charities
Here at SUNY Broome, we encourage women to have their voices heard. Women from all cultural backgrounds and careers are supported, and they not only play a vital role in our campus community, but within society as a whole. These women continue to bring their extraordinary skills and talents to the community, and demonstrate excellence in what they do.
Throughout March, we will feature SUNY Broome Women who are leaders in their fields of study, profession, or our community. Nominations will be featured in an article to be posted in the HiveHQ, The Buzz, and on our social media channels. If you have a woman that you’d like to nominate, please submit Nominate a Notable SUNY Broome Woman.
Part of Diversity & Inclusion at SUNY Broome
Join our celebration of Women’s History Month 2024! For a chance to appear on our board below, tag your posts on Instagram and Twitter with #SUNYBroomeWHM telling us what Women’s History Month means for you.