The Instructional Designers at SUNY Broome have compiled a listing of questions frequently received from faculty as they work to make their digital content more accessible. This resource continues to be updated with common questions. Faculty can also submit their questions for how to make digital content accessible by using the How do I make this Accessible? form.
Top Accessibility Fixes for Digital Content
OSCQR Course Quality Review
SUNY has developed an online course design rubric and process that addresses the instructional design and accessibility of an online course. The aim of the OSCQR Course Quality Review is to support continuous improvements to the quality and accessibility of online courses.
SUNY Broome’s goal is to ensure that all online courses meet quality instructional design and accessibility standards, and are regularly and systematically reviewed, refreshed, and improved to reflect campus guidelines and research-based online effective practices.
Campus Forms Review
The EIT Testing Taskforce is available to review campus processing offices’ public-facing forms for accessibility. Please contact to arrange a review.